/ 26コメント

BJJ から B を落とす - Budo Jake 著

ロイス・グレイシー UFC





ロリオン家やその他のグレイシー家がこの芸術を米国に持ち込んだとき、すでにここには日本の柔術家たちの小さなグループが存在していました。ほとんどの場合、これらのグループはかなり小規模で、完全なレジスタンス スパーリングという点ではあまり提供できませんでした。多くの場合、彼らは現代のブラジリアン柔術学校が護身プログラムで行うのと同様の「型」(規定の型)を教えていました。


(写真: ジョージ・カービー - 米国の初期の日本の柔術教師、 DVD へのリンク)

これらの日本の柔術団体はすでに米国に存在していたため、ブラジルの柔術団体と区別するための名前が必要で、BJJ またはグレイシー柔術という名前になりました。 UFC 1(私の場合はPPVでライブ)でロイスを見た後、BJJが日本の柔術とは大きく異なることは明らかでした。



(写真:ブラジルでレジェンド・テレレにインタビュー。 エピソードへのリンク。

そこで私の質問になります。 BJJ は米国で広く普及しています。日本の柔術はそれほどうまくいっていない。たくさんの人たちのために、  素人と筋金入りの実践者、柔術 = BJJ。誰かが「現在のUFCチャンピオンは素晴らしい柔術を持っている」と言ったとき、それを日本のスタイルと混同する人はいないでしょう。会話の中で B を使うことはめったにありません。そろそろやめるべきだと思います。どう思いますか?以下にコメントを記入してお知らせください。


Karma Senge

I have always just verbally called it jiu-jitsu. But when I write it, I will either put BJJ or GJJ depending on if I am talking about sport jiu-jitsu (BJJ) or Gracie Jiu-Jitsu self-defense (GJJ).

Francisco Estrada

If this would be a State affair, a commission of inquiry would determine that the real name is Kosen Judo (for those who don’t know what is this, find out in Google). At least, that’s what ALL the Gracies showed in the 90s. However, with the emergence of names like Eddie Bravo and John Danaher, there is now more ground to talk about American Jiu Jitsu rather than Brazilian Jiu Jitsu at the time. Greetings.

Robert Brooks

The B may have lost its relevance in relation to BJJ but the JJ has not!
I believe that BJJ should maintain it’s present name.
There is a notable difference between what I refer to as the traditionally based jujutsu and BJJ and all of it’s derivatives. The public should be made aware of this difference starting with the name. That is why there are different Ryu’s. Each has a unique prospective or approach “if you will” to Jujutsu. However, Jujutsu is a Japanese art (as per the name itself implies) and no matter how different the approach (in general) these Gendai Ryu’s attempt to maintain some sense of the arts origins. BJJ has for the most part (at least in the US) deemphasizes this. Not a bad thing, but the public should not be led to believe that BJJ is the prototype for Jujutsu. It should be clear from the onset that there is a difference, in technique, approach, philosophy and spiritual underpinnings. The JJ is only the historical phoenix from which BJJ arose.

Jean Woodman

It is a different approach to Japanese jiu jitsu and helio is the cause of that approach. Go do more research on how Gracie jiu jitsu aka brazillian jiu jitsu, before you write about name changes. Where were the “american jiu jitsu” guys when ufc came out? Royce came and proved that his fathers way of jiu jitsu is much more effective.
We call a Ferrari a Ferrari, not a Ferrari car. Each car’s name distinguishes it from the rest. Brazilian jiu jitsu is different in approach to its Japanese forerunner


I’m all for it. I’ll only ever use “Brazilian” as a qualifier if I need to clarify the specific style if questioned. Otherwise it is just “Jiu Jitsu”.

People saying it needs to be differentiated from “Japanese Ju Jutsu” forget two things: Every style/school (ryu) of Ju Jutsu is very different from each other, so there is no “standard” Japanese Ju Jutsu. Second, true Japanese Ju Jutsu is all but extinct – even in Japan. Everyone claiming to train or teach it outside of very few places are teaching Judo/Karate/insert-other-art-here hybrids that they have named something-ryu Ju Jutsu.

There is no reason that every other “ryu” of Ju Jutsu/Jiu Jitsu can be lumped in together but Brazilian/Gracie Jiu Jitsu must always have the clarifier, other than for marketing. And for marketing, all the other styles would do the same anyway.

In other words, I train Jiu Jitsu. If anyone needs more detail I will say I train Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and submission grappling (along with Judo but that is irrelevant here).

