Techniques of the Asian Saber (On Demand)

Techniques of the Asian Saber (On Demand)

Regular price £12.00 GBP
Regular price £16.00 GBP Sale price £12.00 GBP

By Andre Loupy & Angelique Mallard with the Participation of Master Phan Toan Chau 7th Dan

The handling of the sabre, in different times and various countries, has evolved along martial techniques. Everybody can adapt their style according to the enemy and his morphology. Thus, the saber, whether European, African or asian, has built its legend on battle fields and in war tales.

We’re going to tell you the story of a technique that belongs to a region, to a Vietnamese martial style, the Tay Son Vo Dao. Based on the five elements that structure the practitioner’s life, the handling of the saber is strictly codified in order to extract the essence of these elements: wood, fire, earth, metal and water.

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