TAIJI KASE Old School Shotokan JKA Seminars 4 DVD Set

TAIJI KASE Old School Shotokan JKA Seminars 4 DVD Set

Regular price £95.00 GBP
Regular price £118.00 GBP Sale price £95.00 GBP
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Master Taiji Kase was one of the earliest teachers of Karate in Europe. His skill is second to none and his power was off all charts in destruction. His teachers Gichin Funakoshi, Gigo Funakoshi, Isao Obata and Masatoshi Nakayama are the ones responsible for his karate knowledge.

DVD 1: This video includes some of his seminars that are taught in English. You will learn a unique condensed version of timing and the simplicity of power distribution and technique flow. 56 min.

DVD 2: This video includes some of his seminars that are taught in English. Seeing is believing and this video goes to the front of the line in importance if you want to learn Shotokan Karate. 51 min.

DVD 3: Grand Master Taiji Kase on this video will teach you so much from basics to advanced techniques including being able to see correct timing, distancing, technique like only he can do. You don't get to be at the front of class teaching seminars in Europe unless you are the best. His power, speed and timing knowledge is one of a kind. 61 min.

DVD 4: This is the forth in the series of video's taught by Grand Master Taiji Kase and once again he out does himself and teaches the inner most secrets of Japanese Karate. His skill and knowledge led him to be the head of JKA Shotokan in all of Europe and now you can learn directly from the master himself. 80 min.

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