Single Leg X Guard Masterclass 2 DVD Set with Stephan Kesting - Budovideos Inc

Single Leg X Guard Masterclass 2 DVD Set with Stephan Kesting

Regular price £77.00 GBP
Regular price £86.00 GBP Sale price £77.00 GBP
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In this brand new 4 volume set BJJ black belt Stephan Kesting reveals his step-by-step formula for the Single Leg X Guard, including all the techniques and drills you need to get good fast.

The Single Leg X Guard is a form of open guard used by world champions like Marcelo Garcia and Leandro Lo.

Because you don’t need to wrap your legs around your opponent’s torso like in the Closed Guard it’s much faster to get into the Single Leg X.

In the Single Leg X Guard you’re completely dominating one of your opponent’s legs, which makes it very difficult to pass, yet at the same time offers you many powerful attacks to keep your opponent on the run.

Also the Single Leg X Guard blends really well with other forms of guard, including the Butterfly Guard, Sitting Guard, Regular X Guard, de la Riva Guard, Spider Guard, and many other positions.

In this 4 part instructional you’ll get my complete gameplan for your Single Leg X Guard. It’ll be a drag-and-drop guard module that you can add to any kind of guard game to make it super-aggressive and effective.

You’ll learn how to reliably get into the Single Leg X from a ton of positions, how to stop your opponent from passing your guard, how to attack him in powerful combinations, and drills to make all these moves smooth and instinctive.

The material in this set applies to both gi and no gi grappling.  So whether you practice BJJ with a kimono, or submission grappling in a rash guard, you’ll still benefit from the techniques in this instructional.

Vol 1: SLX Fundamentals & Drills

Vol 2: SLX Entries

Vol 3: Best SLX Sweeps & Finishes

Vol 4: SLX Counters, Recounters & Problem Solving

Bonus: SLX Quickstart Guide

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