Kyusho Jitsu: Vital Points Program for Law Enforcement by Evan Pantazi (E-book) - Budovideos Inc

Kyusho Jitsu: Vital Points Program for Law Enforcement by Evan Pantazi (E-book)

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Kyusho Jitsu, Vital points pogram for Law Enforcement


The human body is built so that its vital organs find strong defenses against external aggressions. However, there are some areas of the human anatomy, points of junction of nerve and circulation networks, both in soft tissues and bones, where the skeletal and muscle structure is opened to the outside and is especially vulnerable. Those areas and Vitals Points which have been described by Eastern tradition and by modern anatomy and biology are the base material on which Kyusho-Jitsu, the art of Vital Points, works. Rather than a martial style in itself, Kyusho is a section that has been under study in virtually all traditional schools of combat in the past, usually treated as a Secret Art. Also known in China as Dim Mak, Kyusho is the essential complement to those interested in increasing the effectiveness of their defense techniques, whatever the style they practice. This book opens a door to this neglected aspect of the science of self-defense. Its author, Master Evan Pantazi, has been undoubtedly the most important name in recent years in the field; a person who has been able to capture the interest and draw the attention of the martial community with a direct and revealing methodology, where he describes in detail not only the points and their effects, but also the correct forms and ways of accessing them in their martial application. The book includes, among other contents, how to access points on the head, arms, legs and trunk, describing the points, the angle of penetration and the way to do it, whether percussion, pressure or rubbing. Master Pantazi hasn’t forgotten to explain resuscitation techniques, renown of this system. He specifically devotes an entire chapter to his proven system for treatment of heart failure. The texts which form this book are most ly the resul t of several years of col laborat ion wi th “Budo International” magazine, but this work has been done with a plan developed to provide the student with the necessary tools for a complete learning of the system. For those who are more interested in the system, Master Pantazi has published a complete audiovisual series of DVDs, translated into six languages, which allows us to visualize the knowledge included in this volume. A work that no martial artist should miss.

FORMAT: Book is delivered in PDF format and readable on most e-readers, smart phones, tablets, laptops, or desktop computers.


Language: English

129 pages

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