Kyokushinkai Karate Training by Bertrand Kron (On Demand)

Kyokushinkai Karate Training by Bertrand Kron (On Demand)

Regular price £12.00 GBP
Regular price £16.00 GBP Sale price £12.00 GBP

The Ultimate Training

By Bertrand Kron

Knock-out Karate – The Kyokushinkai Warriors

The Kyokushinkai style created by Master Oyama managed to make itself known around the world thanks to the extreme realism of its competition fights. Strikes are launched for real to the body, to the legs and to the head with the will to go to knock-out. No gloves, no leg protections and simple rules that aim at protecting the physical integrity of fighters.

The world organization "France KO Kyokushinkai" (FKOK), with a structure fit for the greatest European nations has, among its members, talented fighters such as Lucian Gogonel (World Champion and six-time European Champion), Michel Dos Santos, (European and World vice champion) and Djema Belkhodja (European medalist).
Five times a year, the French team gathers for national training sessions, open to anyone, like the one you can watch in this film.

Cardio Training, Pao Work, Kumite combined in series, self development, technical improvement and strategy are the key words of this extreme training. An example to follow for all of you who are interested in the codified knock-out fighting sports.

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