KOSHI and SHIZUMI The Principles of Kihon DVD By Sueyoshi Akeshi - Budovideos Inc

KOSHI and SHIZUMI The Principles of Kihon DVD By Sueyoshi Akeshi

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Koshi is the center of all martial art techniques. Koshi means the hips and hip motion is the center of all motion. The hips contain the center of gravity of the human body. The body follows it's center. When the hips move, the body follows. When you learn to control your center you control your whole body. When you control your opponent's center, you control the opponent.
Sueyoshi Akeshi is a Shugendo and Shingon Monk, scholar of the martial traditions and expert in Iaido. He has carried out for years an intensive work of dissemination and teaching of the Japanese martial arts. His unique methods of training brings evolutionary understanding of the "Body in Motion" that can be applied in any martial art style.

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