Hasegawa Eishin Ryu Muso Shinden Ryu DVD Series by Roger Wehrhahn (10 Volumes Available) - Budovideos Inc

Hasegawa Eishin Ryu Muso Shinden Ryu DVD Series by Roger Wehrhahn (10 Volumes Available)

Regular price £42.00 GBP
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Title: DVD 1

Welcome to lesson 1 of the 10 lesson Hasegawa Eishin Ryu Expanded series.  Each lesson contains 2 disc's with over 2 hours of expanded instruction.  There is far more than the usual demonstration of the Kata. In this lesson the first kata Yokogumo, along with numerous variations and applications, is presented from a modified crouching position, (Iai goshi) instead of tate hiza along with a unique method of applying the kata from standing.

Over the years, I have seen students, and yes, even Instructors stop practicing Iaido because they no longer could perform tate-hiza Kata. This may have been due to injuries or just plain getting older.

This video is meant to remedy that situation while preserving the original intent of the style. It is my hope that everyone get back to practicing this beautiful and essential style while they expand their understanding and get a deeper insight into the functionality of the style.

DVD 1 Yokogumo
DVD 2 Tora no Issoku
DVD 3 Inazuma
DVD 4 Ukigumo
DVD 5 Yama Oroshi
DVD 6 Iwamani
DVD 7 Uroku Gaeshi
DVD 8 Takiotoshi
DVD 9 Nami Gaeshi
DVD 10 Nukiuchi

DVD 1-10 Complete Set

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