Samurai Bondage II Book by Fujita Seiko

Samurai Bondage II Book by Fujita Seiko

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An illustrated guide to Samurai bondage. A translation of various 18th~20th century manuals about rope binding used by Samurai when taking prisoners. Includes manuals from the following schools:

須田流 Tsuda Ryu
佐々木流 Sasaki Ryu
大學流 Daigaku Ryu
地間戸流 Chimado Ryu
一乗不二流 Ichijo Fuji Ryu
縄之伝極意 Ultimate Lessons of the Rope
繩之記 Record of Rope Techniques
大正流 Taisho Ryu
劔徳流 Kentoku Ryu
新影治源流 Shin Kage Jigen Ryu
繩之伝極意 Ultimate Secrets of the Rope
笹井流繩縛図 Sasai School Rope Binding Techniques

296 pages

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