Knife Tactical Response DVD by Bram Frank - Budovideos Inc

Knife Tactical Response DVD by Bram Frank

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Bram Frank, recognized as the father of the methods of combat with knife Israelis, is the founder of System CSSD / SC, an art tactical combat based on the Modern Arnis Remy Presas, which was the direct student. In this DVD, Bram, practical and direct in his teachings, we unveiled the concepts of the tactical response knife. Explore the training system, the Contras using our most instinctive basic motor skills "raw" ways to cut and stop the opponent from the point of view bio-mechanics, the proper use of weapons of edge and based movements "Sombrada" and "Sinawali" of martial arts philippines. 
Language: English, Spanish, Italian, French

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Stephen Browne
Good stuff here

This is a very good instructional video on using the knife mostly in the middle range. There are however quite a few good knife videos available. What is worth purchasing here is the detail Frank goes into about HOW NOT TO CUT YOURSELF!
Video and sound are very good and mercifully when Frank is talking about how to do something he's also showing it. Thank you! Some great instructors either talk or show, but don't combine.