Capoeira Brasil DVD by Paulao Ceara - Budovideos

Capoeira Brasil DVD by Paulao Ceara

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Paulao Ceara, practitioner for more than 27 years, is, together with Masters Paulino Sabia and Boneco, President-Founder and coordinator in Europe of Capoeira Brazil Group, present in America, Europe and Oceania, and characterized by its technical method of teaching and a philosophy of harmony and joy. On this DVD, Master Ceara will show us Capoeira at the advanced level, we will study the blocks and how to defend ourselves from them, the direct entrance to make the opponent fall, the indirect entrance, the Meia Lua de Compasso entrance transformed into diverse attack strikes, the continuity of the entrances if the first one doesn´t work, the ornaments, jumps and their variations, as well as the applications to Jogo. From the hand of an international Master, learn to perceive the hidden rhythms, the intense flavors of an unequaled Martial Art, a present from Brazil for the world. 

Language: English, Spanish, Italian, French, German

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