Wu Style Taijiquan 18 DVD Set by Wu Guangyu
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Basic Gentile Skills and Pushing Hands
108 Traditional Standard Routines (5 DVDs)
Wu Style 108 Traditional Round Routines (3 DVDs)
Wu Style Taijiquan Taichi 54 style International Tournament Routines (2 DVDs)
108 Wu Style Taiji Sword Routines (3 DVDs)
108 Wu Style Taiji Broadword Routines (2 DVDs)
Wu Style Wheelchair Form
Wu Style Taiji Series Wu Style Tai chi Wheelchair Form
About the Instructor:
Eddie Wu Kuang-yu (also spelled as Wu Kwong Yu, Wu Guangyu, Ng Kwong Yu, 吳光宇, born 1946) is a Chinese-Canadian T'ai Chi Ch'uan teacher. He is the eldest son of the late Wu Ta-k'uei and senior instructor of the Wu family and "Gatekeeper" of the Wu style as taught in the Wu's T'ai Chi Ch'uan Academies internationally since the passing of his uncle, the late Wu Ta-hsin, in January 2005. Eddie Wu is the great-grandson of the late Wu Chien-ch'uan, and grandson of the late Wu Kung-i. His two sons, Austin Wu Chung Him (吳仲謙) and Edward Wu Chung Wai (吳仲偉) are also teachers in their family's school.
Eddie Wu started learning Tai Chi at the age of 6 from his grandfather Wu Kung-i, with whom he lived till age 12. Thereafter, Eddie Wu moved back to live with his father Wu Ta-k'uei and continued learning till he left for university. He later graduated and worked as an Engineer for several years.
In 1975, master Wu Ta-ch'i (Wu Daqi) started the first western hemisphere Wu family school in Toronto, Canada. Shortly afterwards, he invited his nephew, then Sifu Eddie Wu Kuang-yu to take over the school at the age of 30. Eddie Wu has promoted Wu style T'ai Chi Ch'uan in Asia, North America and Europe, with schools that recognize his supervision in Toronto, Fredericton, Ann Arbor, New Jersey, Hawaii, London (England), Hong Kong, Singapore , Greece and Malaysia.
Language: Chinese with English subtitles