Wrestling For Beginners Book by Tom Jarman (Preowned)

Wrestling For Beginners Book by Tom Jarman (Preowned)

通常価格 $12.95 USD
通常価格 $20.00 USD セールスプライス $12.95 USD


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At any level of wrestling competition, the basic fundamentals are essential to success in the sport. Wrestling for Beginners gives novice wrestlers those techniques that serve as the foundation for all wrestling instruction--conditioning, maneuvers, holds, takedowns, counters, strategy, and pinning combinations. This readable and effective manual includes hundreds of stop-action photographs emphasizing proper body positions, grips, postures, and movements. There are tips on diet and nutrition, building endurance, increasing flexibility and balance, as well as specific points for mastering each of the seven basic wrestling skills. Speciac appendixes include a listing of United States Wrestling Federation weight divisions and scoring procedures and a glossary of terms. Tom Jarman, former head wrestling coach at Northwestern University, previously coached at Taylor University for 13 years, where his teams won seven conference championships and posted a 128-22 dual meet record. A two-time AII-American champion, Jarman has coached ten national place winners and one national champion. Reid Hanley is a sports writer and the author of Who's Who in Track and Field. He is winner of the 1978 Illinois Press Association award for sports writers and the 1980 Illinois Wrestling Coaches and Officials Association Newsman of the Year honor.

244 pages

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Alex Collazo
Wrestling for beginners
