World’s Strongest Master-Disciple Seminar DVD 2 by Denys Morozov & Anzhelika Terliuga
$39.95 USD
$69.00 USD
$39.95 USD
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- Introduction
- Warm-up
- Anzhelika’s stretching
- [Denys coach’s Part]
- Close combat prep
- Kiai training
- Kagi-zuki power over close range
- Ducking techniques (1) Ducking low and holding the opponent’s torso with the front fist
- Ducking techniques (2) Immediately get up and go around to the other side to defend yourself
- Ducking techniques (3) When you set it up and when your opponent set it up
- Close combat tactics (1) Step back & Kagi-zuki, Ashibarai by holding the opponent’s neck
- Close combat tactics (2) Mawashi-geri showing clearly from the clinch
- [Anzhelika’s Part]
- Keri techniques (1) Footwork & movement exercises
- Keri techniques (2) Close the distance Mawashi-geri
- Keri techniques (3) Three double Mawashi-geri
- Keri techniques (4) Basic Ura-Mawashi-geri
- Keri techniques (5) Ura-Mawashi-geri from the clinch
- Keri techniques (6) Ura-Mawashi-geri catches an opponent in the corner
- Keri techniques (7) Anticipation techniques
- Keri techniques (8) 15 seconds continuous real attack
- Conclusion
- interview
Language: Japanese
Run Time: 2 hours & 57 min.