Wing Chun Kung Fu Yongchun Bai He Quan 18 DVD Set by Su Yinghan
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The Wing Chun Kung Fu Yongchun Bai He Quan 18 DVD Set by Su Yinghan is an extensive training resource showcasing the rich techniques of Yongchun White Crane Boxing. This martial art, also known as the "mother boxing," focuses on foundational routines like Qi Bu San Zhan, which establishes key body techniques, footwork, stances, and hand forms. Advanced practices such as Shi San Bu Yao introduce dynamic movements like swaying and turning, incorporating symbolic gestures like "Green Dragon Wrapping Water." Another highlight, Beauty Dressing and Making Up, emphasizes fluid, light, and agile techniques inspired by feminine grace, reflecting the art's origins tied to its creator, Fang Qiniang.
The set also includes advanced routines like Shi San Tai Bai, which sharpens dodging, turning, and snap strength, and White Crane Spreading The Wings, which mimics the defensive and offensive movements of a crane. Other routines like Duck Diving in the Water, Mantis Exposing in the Sun, and Qian Zi Da incorporate intricate combinations of hand, leg, knee, and elbow techniques. Together, these routines blend softness and solidity, offering a comprehensive exploration of the philosophy, culture, and combat effectiveness of Yongchun Bai He Quan.
Language: Chinese with English subtitles