What is Budo DVD 2 by Katsu Nagano

What is Budo DVD 2 by Katsu Nagano

通常価格 $39.95 USD
通常価格 $59.95 USD セールスプライス $39.95 USD


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The Ultimate Pursuit in Koryū Bujutsu:

"True Speed" Is the Elimination of Movement's Subtle Variations!

In this second DVD of a two-part series, Katsu Nagano, the representative of Jūken Rai Shin Kai, explores the concept of "true speed" in martial arts, emphasizing the elimination of unnecessary motion. Unlike simply mimicking the forms handed down by past masters, Jūken Rai Shin Kai delves deeply into what the samurai truly sought in their martial practices—an understanding of how to move with perfect efficiency and precision.

This second volume expands on the principles introduced in the first, teaching practitioners how to incorporate fluid, small receptions, understand both their own and their opponent’s axis, engage the lower body, and harness speed in various martial arts, including Jujutsu, Kenjutsu, and Iaijutsu.

Content Overview:

1: Preparing for Training—Soft Reception and Axis

  • Building a Soft Reception:
    • Receiving with both feet lifted: front and circular rolls.
    • Flowing with the Move: Shoulder-based forward roll.
  • Understanding the Axis:
    • Standing on the axis and viewing it.
    • Using the axis in different movements, such as one-knee stances and wrist manipulation.
    • Aligning the axis and side-body entry techniques (投げ技).

2: Approach to Technique 1—Engaging the Lower Body

  • Lower Body Activation: Basics and Practical Applications
    • Sacral Work (仙骨落): Activating the sacrum for balance.
    • Hip Activation (股関節崩): How to use the hips to maintain stability and fluidity.
    • Knee Activation (膝崩): Proper knee use for collapsing techniques.
  • Practical Application:
    • Jujutsu: First technique (一教).
    • Kenjutsu: Sword locking collapse (鍔迫崩).

3: Approach to Technique 2—Sword and Body Movement

  • Sword Techniques: Basics and Practical Techniques
    • Non-relient Cutting Movements: Learning to cut without reliance on the arms.
    • Arm and Shoulder Cutting: Practicing efficient cuts targeting the arms and wrist.
  • Practical Application:
    • Cutting collapses (斬上崩).
    • Hand reversal techniques (手解返).
    • Sword and receiving collapse (萬受崩).

4: Seeking True Speed—Eliminating Subtle Variations in Movement

  • Jujutsu Section: Cutting and collapsing in one movement (斬崩).
  • Kenjutsu Section: Sword flow (乱流剣).
  • Iaijutsu Section: Diagonal sword cuts (袈裟斬).

Instructor: Katsu Nagano (Founder of Jūken Rai Shin Kai)

Born in 1968, Katsu Nagano began his martial arts journey at the age of 23 with the Shō Seikan (run by Sensei Yoshinori Kōno). Later, he trained with his elder brother Junichi Nagano at the Fū Shin Kai. In 2005, Nagano founded the Jūken Rai Shin Kai, dedicating himself to the study and instruction of traditional martial arts, with a particular focus on weaponry and body movement. His teachings center around the principles of internal balance and the fluidity of motion.

Language: Japanese

Run time: 56 min.


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