What is Internal Martial Arts DVD 2: Unleashing Internal Power by Fumio Nakagawa
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Unleashing Internal Power: Body Mechanics for Effective Use of Nei Jin
In this DVD, we delve into the essential principles of Internal Power (Nei Jin), building on the previous hit work, What is Martial Arts Based on Nei Jin?. The focus is on the body mechanics necessary for effectively harnessing and using the internal force (Nei Jin or Fire Power). By establishing the "axis" and moving in "straight lines," we learn how to activate and apply Jin Power effectively in martial movements.
Content Overview:
Basic: Movement with Axis and Straight Lines
- Pulling Techniques (Front/Side)
- Kicks
- Breaking Techniques (Up/Down/Left/Right)
- Sparring (Using Pulling, Kicking, and Breaking Techniques)
Flow: Moving While Maintaining Power
- Pulling (One Hand/Both Hands/Chest)
- Breaking (Up/Down/Left/Right)
Connection: Moving Without Interruption
- Pulling (One/Two/Three Movements)
- Breaking (Up/Down/Left/Right)
Crushing: Balancing Yin and Yang
Reversal: Returning Force to the Opponent
Alignment: Filling the Space
Dantian Training: Increasing Internal Pressure
- Movement with Increased Internal Pressure (Up/Down/Front/Back/Sideways)
- Da Ba Ji (Great Eight Extremes)
- Comprehensive Sparring Techniques
Fumio Nakagawa (Born 1948): After studying various martial arts including Karate and Aikido, Nakagawa encountered Chinese martial arts and began studying with a Japanese Zen master at the age of 28. For over 30 years, Nakagawa has been learning and teaching the essence of martial arts discovered by his teacher. He is currently on the board of the Tokyo Martial Arts Taichi Federation, contributing to the promotion and advancement of Taichi in Japan, and also leads the Taichi Spiritual Practice Association.