Ultimate Turtle Catcher DVD with Yoichi Sasaki
$39.95 USD
$59.00 USD
$39.95 USD
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Unlock the secrets to defeating larger opponents with groundbreaking ground techniques revealed by Judo expert Sasaki Yoichi. This DVD, highly recommended for judokas struggling against formidable opponents, delves into the specialized techniques developed by the Shichitei Judo school.
■ Horizontal Triangle Edition
- Basics of Horizontal Triangle and "Tortoise Capture"
- Point 1: Positioning Your Heel on the Side
- Point 2: Techniques for Turning
- Point 3: Proper Knee Placement
- Point 4: Axis Control During Turning
- Point 5: Arm Binding Techniques
- Point 6: Leg Crossing Methods
- Point 7: Transition to Pinning
- Point 8: Joint Techniques When Pinning Isn't Possible
- Alternative Approaches to Horizontal Triangle and "Tortoise Capture"
■ Belly Wrap (Endo Reversal) Edition
- International Rules (Specifications for International Competitions)
- Basic Form (Original Technique)
- Seven Emperors Rules Variation
- Lifting Techniques
- Advanced Variations
- Abbreviated Methods
Instruction by: ◎ Sasaki Yoichi
- Coach of Hokkaido University Judo Club
- Renowned for pioneering the ground technique "Tortoise Capture"
- Revered as a sage of ground techniques by martial arts writer Masuda Toshiya
Language: Japanese
Run time: 48 min.