The Ultimate Champion Technique: Mastering Footwork DVD by Yuji Shimamoto
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Achieving the feat of winning the world championship two years in a row!
The ultimate techniques that dominated the world are revealed!
A Grand Slam winner and two consecutive world championships. Shimamoto Yuji has left a huge mark on the history of Shinkyokushinkai. His kumite, which combines strength and technique, and embodies the principle of "hitting without being hit", is truly the karate of a new era.
The great champion Shimamoto's path to becoming a world champion two years in a row, and his actual fighting techniques are generously revealed. A single disc that condenses the secrets to becoming stronger.
Yuji Shimamoto's path to a second consecutive world championship
11th World Karate Championship (2015.10.31-11.1)
48th All Japan Karate Championship (2016.10.22-23)
6th World Karate Championship (2017.7.1-2)
49th All Japan Karate Championship (2017.10.14-15)
50th All Japan Karate Championship (2018.10.13-14)
12th World Karate Championship (2019.11.9-10)
4th round vs Jonas Rosin
5th round vs Vladimir Altyushin
Quarterfinal vs Eguchi Yuto
Semifinal vs Kato Taiki
Final vs. Machiel Mazur
World-conquering techniques
Interview: The importance of footwork
How to deal with opponents who excel at close-quarters combat (vs. Jonas Rosin)
How to deal with opponents who attack quickly from their steps (vs. Vladimir Altyushin)
The fastest front kick to avoid being hit (vs. Eguchi Yuto)
Combinations of hands and feet on the same side (vs. Kato Daiki)
How to split kicks (vs. Machiel Mazur)
The secret to footwork that embodies striking without being struck
The 6 basic commands
Personal practice: Dealing with reverse thrusts
Personal practice: Dealing with forward thrusts
Personal practice: Dealing with left roundhouse kicks
Personal practice: Dealing with right roundhouse kicks
From the front to the right side
From the front to the left side
How to deal with pressure opponents
Front kicks from a long distance
Prearranged kumite
More practical prearranged kumite
Yuji Shimamoto
Born January 23, 1990 in Hiroshima Prefecture. Winner of the 44th, 46th and 49th All Japan Championships. Winner of the 28th and 29th All Japan Weight Championship, heavy weight class. Winner of the 11th and 12th World Championships. Winner of the 6th World Weight Championship, heavy weight class. A famous athlete representing Shinkyokushinkai, who has achieved the Grand Slam (winning the four major championships: the World Championship, the World Weight Championship, the All Japan Championship, and the All Japan Weight Championship) and two consecutive World Championship victories.
Language: Japanese
Run time: 114 min.