The Speed of Your Body Exceeds the Speed of Your Thoughts! Book by Naoyuki Taira
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Unconsciously "Moving Smoothly" is the Fastest! Discover the Secret to Master-Level Speed!
The secret to achieving master-level speed is moving smoothly without conscious thought. Imagine delivering a punch that naturally defeats your opponent before you even think about it. Your body can actually begin moving 0.5 seconds before your brain issues a command. How is this possible?
Various martial arts such as shoot boxing, mixed martial arts, tai chi quan, Yagyu Shingan-ryu, and Sotai-ho reveal the secrets of true speed. This revolutionary manual explains these secrets in detail, including insights from Yagyu Shingan-ryu's "Sekika no Den."
Prologue: The Secret to Moving Your Body Smoothly
- Moving Smoothly
- How to See the Scenery
- How to See the Invisible
Chapter 1: The Secret to Changing Your Consciousness
- The Reason for Longevity
- People Change Easily
Chapter 2: Dangerous Opportunity
- An Incident One Day
- DVD Production
- Filming of Promotional Video
- National Seminar on Handicrafts
Chapter 3: "Moving Smoothly" Learned from Sotai-ho
- Primitive Senses
- Sotai-ho That Connects "Breath, Food, Movement, Thought Circle"
- Prajnaparamita Body Sutra
- The Key to the Technique is "Comfort"
- "Moving Smoothly" Taught by Sotai-ho
Chapter 4: "Moving Smoothly" Learned from Taikiken
- What is Ki?
- Sotai-ho and Standing Meditation
- Standing Meditation and Bone Conduction
- The Secret of People Who Can Normally Live to 100 Years Old
- Sitting Standing Meditation and Lying Standing Meditation
- The Meaning of the Body
Chapter 5: Learning How to "Move Smoothly" from the Yagyu Shingan-ryu
- What is Shingan?
- Goshin no Kokyu
- Various Movements to Add to Goshin no Kokyu
- Tips for Drawing Muscles
Chapter 6: Recommended Reading
- Books Recommended by Akira Maeda
- Samurai Reading
- Surprising Facts About Samurai
- The Law of Compassion for Living Things
Chapter 7: Tips for Improvement Common to Martial Arts
- Invisible Tips for a Brilliant Victory
- Bergson and Benjamin Libet
- Musouken
- The Mysterious Relationship Between the Unconscious and Frequency
- Stealing Breath
Chapter 8: New Discoveries About the Body
- Are They Connected?!
- Move the Power of Yin with the Mind's Eye
- How to Create a "Te no Uchi" and Practice Swings
- Secret Techniques That Come from the Body
- Mutotori and Katsukiken
About the Author: Naoyuki Taira
A pioneer in professional mixed martial arts, Taira Naoyuki is also known as the model for Hanma Baki in the manga "Grappler Baki." He is well-versed in sotaiho and jujutsu, and has studied Taikiken and Yagyu Shingan-ryu. His extensive experience has led him to develop a unique theory of the body.
Length: 268 pages
Language: Japanese