The Secret Samurai Regimen Book by Sozo Miyashita
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About the Author:
Acupuncturist. Born in 1977. In 1998, he obtained his license as an acupuncturist, massage therapist, massage therapist, and shiatsu therapist. In the same year, he started visiting Miyashita Acupuncture Clinic. In 2000, he studied abroad at Peking University in the People's Republic of China for one year. In 2007, he opened Sei Acupuncture Clinic. From 2004 to 2011 he was a board member of the Japanese Traditional Acupuncture Society. From 2004 to 2013, he served as a part-time lecturer at Toyo Acupuncture College, providing practical training to over 1,000 students. Currently, he is the director of Sei Acupuncture Clinic, the academic director of the Shin-Ikyo Tokyo Branch Acupuncture Section, and a councilor of the Japanese Traditional Acupuncture Society.
Length: 208 pages
Language: Japanese