The Samurai Will Change the World Book by Takashi Moro
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“Samurai” ga Sekai o Kaeru!: Ima, Ikiru Tame no Bushido (translated as “The Samurai” Will Change the World!: Bushido for Living Today) by Takashi Moro examines how the principles of Bushido, the way of the Samurai, can offer valuable insights for living in the modern world. The book reflects on Moro’s experiences after establishing a dojo in Cambodia and how the people there, seeking more than material wealth, found solace and guidance in the ethos of Bushido.
In this essay-style work, Moro explores various dimensions of the "Samurai" spirit, including:
- The true nature of the Samurai – What it means to embody the values of Bushido.
- Bushido and caregiving – How the Samurai code applies to modern responsibilities like caregiving.
- The connection between the body and Bushido – How Samurai principles impact physical and mental discipline.
- Global relevance – The book concludes by addressing how the Samurai code can transform Cambodia and beyond, suggesting it as a model for a broader cultural and spiritual awakening.
Moro's personal story, his dedication to martial arts, and his efforts in Cambodia are central to the book. It offers both practical lessons and philosophical insights, making it a must-read for those interested in the spiritual and practical aspects of the Samurai code in the 21st century.
The work also emphasizes the enduring pride and strength that the "Samurai blood" represents, helping readers connect with these ancient values in a contemporary context.
About the Author: Takashi Moro
Born in Tokyo in 1962, Morohashi founded Būsō-juku dojo in 1996, where he teaches Renki Būsō-ken. He moved to Cambodia in 2005 to establish a dojo and began offering free lessons. He currently has nearly 100 students. He is also the author of "Self-defense is About Defending the Heart" and creator of the Renki Būsō-ken DVD series.
Language: Japanese
242 pages
Publication date: 2008