The North American Legacy of Remy Presas: The Complete Modern Arnis Empty Hand Anyos - Execution & Applications Book by Dan Anderson
The North American Legacy of Remy Presas is a one of a kind manual. This book covers all 8 of the empty hand anyos (forms/katas) of Modern Arnis. Nowhere in print have these anyos been so thoroughly detailed. Accompanying the depictions of these forms are a vast number of possible self-defense application worked out through the use of Motion Application Theory.
This book is a companion volume to Modern Arnis Mano y Mano - The Empty Hand Applications of Modern Arnis and The North American Legacy of Remy Presas Vol. 1 - Anyo Isa - From 1. This book is a must for any Modern Arnis player, both domestically and internationally.
From the forward by GM Brian Zawilinski:
My time in Modern Arnis (MA) now exceeds forty years. Nearly twenty under Grandmaster (GM) Remy Presas and the rest without him. There is a short handful of people still active in MA that started training in it before I did, however, Professor Dan Anderson is the senior most of the bunch. Aside from the seminars GM Remy Presas did with Professor Wally Jay and GM George Dillman, Dan is the only other individual I have known GM Presas to share the roster with in the USA. This speaks volumes about his skill set and knowledge.
His ability to understand, interpret and analyze motion is simply uncanny. Combine this with decades of experience in the ring and on the mat and you have everything needed to interpret these anyos into a multitude of practical applications. After four decades, I am likely more than qualified and willing to state that this series of books depicting the anyo applications of Modern Arnis are a rare and timeless gift from Professor Anderson that will be permanently archived in writing for generations to come. Enjoy the culmination of Professor Anderson’s lifelong efforts, research and energy in this latest project, the Anyos of Modern Arnis!
Brian Zawilinski
Master of Tapi Tapi – GM Remy Presas
Lakan Sampu – GM Roberto Presas (IMAFP)
578 pages