The Evolution of Systema DVD by Daniel Ryabko
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Join the exclusive Tokyo seminar led by Young Master Daniil Ryabko, son of the renowned Master Mikhail, as he explores the essence of Systema through profound insights and practical techniques.
DAY 1 (First day)
- Understanding and feeling the opponent's balance.
- Techniques to manipulate and disrupt the opponent's balance.
- Grip work essentials for effective control.
- Integrating techniques into seamless movements.
- Exploring ground work fundamentals.
DAY 2 (Second day)
- Developing awareness of every part of the body for enhanced martial arts performance.
- Techniques to manage and release tension for optimal movement.
- Harnessing and circulating internal power.
- Understanding the concept and application of the whip in martial arts.
- Practical methods for using the whip to control opponents.
About the Instructor
- Daniil Ryabko: Initiated into martial arts by his father at age 5, Daniil Ryabko retired from his military career as a lieutenant to dedicate over half the year to teaching Systema worldwide.
Immerse yourself in the mastery of Systema's principles and techniques under the guidance of Daniil Ryabko, gaining insights into the profound and invisible aspects of martial arts practice.
Language: Japanese
Run time: 2 hours & 21 min.