The Evolution of Internal Martial Arts DVD by Su Dongcheng

The Evolution of Internal Martial Arts DVD by Su Dongcheng

通常価格 $49.95 USD
通常価格 $59.95 USD セールスプライス $49.95 USD


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Pursuing the essence and training methods of Chinese martial arts

Striking, stabbing, kicking, throwing...
Pursuing the technical form of combat.
What is a martial arts body movement method that is not limited to a single framework?
The principles of Su Dongcheng's internal martial arts are backed by countless actual battles and verification.
The ultimate essence that makes all evolution possible will break down existing views of martial arts!


What is a fist? /
What is a Seikentsuki? - Up-thrust (Takkin, Tokkin, Bianjin, using both hands together),
Vertical fist (Takkin, Tokkin, Bianjin, long weapon operation), Rasenken (inner side, outer side) /
Point attack method (Takkin, Tokkin) /
Current status and evolution of direct strikes (cross technique, consistent technique) /
Strike training (Junbuken, Yobuken, Junyoken, Zhongchu method) /
Palm strike (physical demonstration, central axis, palm strike) Evolution of, palm strike cross training method) /
Cutting palm /
Whipping palm /
Sword (cross technique example, hand strike cross training method) /
Thrusting hand (example of usage) /
Front kick (front kick with direct strike, front kick with cross method) /
Turning kick (round kick with direct strike, round kick with cross method,
kick in actual combat) /
Body drop /
Uehi throw /
Tackle /
Elbow strike (internal elbow training)

Instruction: Su Dongcheng
Born in Taipei in 1953. Started training in internal martial arts including Xingyiquan at the age of 14. At the age of 16, he was the runner-up in the 1st Taipei City National Martial Arts Open Tournament (Lui-tai). The following year, he won the same tournament. He is called the "prodigy of Lui-tai." Since then, he has devoted himself to studying martial arts and engaging in countless actual combats. In 1973, he moved to Japan. In 1998, he established ESSENCE OF EVOLUTION to spread the essence of martial arts that is connected to universal movement theory. He is active in countries around the world, including Japan, Taiwan, the United States, and France.

Language: Japanese

Run time: 1 hour


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