The Essence of Aikido: Spiritual Teachings of Morihei Ueshiba Book by John Stevens (Hardcover) (Preowned)
$39.00 USD
$39.00 USD
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Collects the writings of one of the greatest martial artists and spiritual teachers of the twentieth century.
About the Author
MORIHEI UESHIBA was born in Western Japan in 1883. After mastering classical styles of judo, kendo, and jujutsu, he created aikido, an entirely original martial art, based on the spiritual teachings of the Omoto-kyo religion. After the Second World War, Morihei established the Aikikai Foundation in Tokyo to promote the dissemination of aikido throughout the world. Morihei died in 1969.
JOHN STEVENS is a Zen priest and was a professor of Buddhist Studies and Aikido instructor at Tohoku Fukushi University in Sendai, Japan, where he lived for thirty-five years. He is the author or translator of over forty books on Zen artists, their poetry, painting, and calligraphy, as well as on Aikido, swordsmanship, and other Japanese martial arts traditions. He lives in Honolulu, Hawaii.
Length: 200 pages
Publication date: 1993