The Core of Systema: Internal Power DVD by Mikhail Ryabko & Daniil Ryabko
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True Usable Techniques: Mastering Internal Operations
Special Japanese Seminar on Emotion Control by Systema Founders Mikhail and Daniil Ryabko
Renowned in the martial arts community, Russian martial art Systema emphasizes the importance of internal control for effective techniques. This DVD series captures a special seminar focused on understanding and controlling emotions, hosted by Systema founders Mikhail and Daniil Ryabko.
Recognizing and correctly managing "internal movements," which manifest at the earliest stages and significantly influence human behavior, is crucial. This training aims to develop "freedom of movement and mind" for effective response in any situation through a variety of unique exercises.
Recognizing Fear
- Techniques to identify and understand the presence and effects of fear.
Moving with Fear
- Methods to move effectively while experiencing fear.
Controlling Your Power
- Strategies to manage and harness your own strength under stress.
Seeing Behind the Knife
- Techniques to anticipate and visualize beyond the immediate threat of a knife.
Controlling the Knife
- Exercises to control and neutralize a knife-wielding opponent.
Expressing Emotions
- Methods to safely express and release emotions during training and combat.
Observing Balance
- Techniques to understand and maintain your center of gravity.
Releasing Shoulder Tension
- Exercises to relieve shoulder tension and improve movement fluidity.
Emotionless Strikes
- Methods to deliver powerful strikes without being influenced by emotions.
Non-Accelerative Movements
- Techniques to move efficiently without relying on acceleration.
Instructors: Mikhail Ryabko & Daniil Ryabko
Mikhail Ryabko, a seasoned veteran of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs' Special Forces, founded Systema based on his family's traditional Russian martial arts and his extensive combat experience. His son, Daniil Ryabko, has also served in law enforcement and special units, and now dedicates himself to teaching Systema. Together, they conduct seminars worldwide, sharing their expertise in practical combat and survival techniques.
Japanese language
Length: 133 min.