The Blade Smart System DVD by Barry Cuda
The Blade Smart System DVD by Barry Cuda
The Blade Smart System DVD by Barry Cuda
The Blade Smart System DVD by Barry Cuda

The Blade Smart System DVD by Barry Cuda

通常価格 $19.95 USD
通常価格 $29.95 USD セールスプライス $19.95 USD
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The Blade Smart System was designed to teach military and law enforcement personnel how to survive knife attacks. These are simple. easy to learn, tactical knife fighting techniques that could save your life in a real knife attack!

Learn the secrets 99.9% of Martial Arts instructors just don't know! Martial arts expert and former corrections Officer Barry Cuda has seen more stabbings and knife attacks than the average 200+ martial arts instructors put together! As a corrections officer, he has seen his share of assaults with homemade knives. As a result he created the Blade Smart System which was designed to teach military and law enforcement personnel how to survive a knife attack. These are simple, easy to perform tactical knife fighting moves that can save your life! 

Barry Cuda has taken over 25 years of Filipino Kali knife training and distilled it into this deadly yet easy to learn tactical knife fighting system. This is NOT about traditional, graceful movements! This is about what to do if someone is trying to kill you with a knife! The Blade Smart System is based on aggressively taking out an armed attacker, not learning prepackaged Martial Arts moves. No fancy drills, no rubber knife sparring, no impractical disarms!

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
rich m.
Barry Cuda could teach Barracudas how to wield a blade!

What an outstanding dvd from a man who has been around the block many times, and is alive to tell the tale. He was a corrections officer, and has seen up close and personal how nasty people can be in prison. I recommend this dvd to anyone with an interest in protecting their life on the mean streets of TODAY!