Thai Boxing Dynamite: The Explosive Art of Muay Thai Book by Rebac Zoran (Preowned)

Thai Boxing Dynamite: The Explosive Art of Muay Thai Book by Rebac Zoran (Preowned)

通常価格 $19.95 USD
通常価格 セールスプライス $19.95 USD


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You're in the ring, dancing around your opponent, looking for that crucial opening. Suddenly: Wham, wham, WHAM! Three flashing kicks from the Muay Thai boxer, and you're on the canvas, wondering what the heck you were thinking.

Muay Thai is the hottest style of kickboxing to hit the sports world this cen-tury. Unlike conventional kickboxing wherein the opponents get in their three token kicks and then duke it out, the Thai boxers integrate their use of legs and fists so that all four limbs are utilized in one fluid, savage, yet clean, style.

Only real men survive bouts of Thai boxing, and only you can say if you're tough enough to learn a rough way of life.
Get the facts on how to master Thai
Boxing Dynamite!


The origin of Thai boxing
That boxing and other martial arts
Basic techniques
-Stance & movements
-Hand techniques
-Kicking techniques
Defense techniques
Combined attacks
Methods of training
-Training combined attacks and defense
-Bag practice
Sparring and power exercises
Advice for fighting
Thai boxing throughout the world
For those who learn and practice alone

Language: English 

length: 120 pages

Publication date: 1987

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