Tanto Jutsu: Mastering Dagger & Short Sword Combat in Bu-Jutsu Tradition Book by Dani Faynot
$44.95 USD
$59.00 USD
$44.95 USD
Master the Art of Tantō-jutsu with Advanced Techniques and Strategies
Unlock the secrets of the legendary Japanese Tantō in the highly anticipated Volume 2 of our series. Perfect for both seasoned practitioners and martial arts enthusiasts, this book delves into advanced techniques of Tantō-jutsu with clear explanations, detailed descriptions, and precise illustrations.
What's Inside:
- Cutting Forms (Kiri) and Thrust Attacks (Tsuki)
- Iai-Jutsu Cuts (Nukitsuke) during draws
- Blocks (Uke Kiri), Parries (Uke Tome), and Deflections (Uke Nagashi)
- Precise Ripostes and Counterattacks (Kaeshi)
- Effective Combat Strategies (Sen-Ryaku and Hyoshi)
- Managing unarmed confrontations (Tai-Jutsu) against weapons (Tantō-Dori) and disarming techniques (Muto-Dori and Emono-Dori)
Each technique is rooted in historical and theoretical context, providing a deep understanding of its real-world applications. Whether you want to enhance your skills or learn new techniques, this book is an essential addition to your martial arts library.
254 pages
Printed in 2024