Tales of the Dojo: Life Lessons from the Martial Arts Book by Tony Annesi
Being lectured on the benefits of traditional martial arts might sound like your old Civics teacher. You just might shut your listening apparatus. But, if Sensei starts talking about his past experiences, students start gathering around. Gather around! There are subtle lessons to be learned. And the teaching is not only painless, it is actually enjoyable. From the well-known articles originally published in KICK and INSIDE KARATE, Tony Annesi offers true everyday stories from his dojo files that integrate budo (martial ways) with daily life and daily life with self-development. Martial artists will enrich the perception of their studies by linking their martial mindset to everyday life. Non-martial artists will look at the arts a new way—not just as self-defense or even as an Asian sort of self-development, but also as a way to see the physical as the philosophical.
176 pages
Printed in 2017