Tai Chi Basic Exercises DVD 1 by Takashi Moro
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To generate "Jingli" (internal power), one must first understand the basics of Neigong (internal work).
Tai Chi cannot be fully practiced without Jingli, and to develop it, cultivating Neigong is essential.
This DVD contains foundational exercises aimed at mastering Jingli. Through the development of a fluid body, relaxation, and understanding key principles, practitioners can experience the flow of Jing. The process for learning to effectively release Jingli is presented here.
DVD Content:
Relaxation Training – Transitioning from a solid to a fluid body, focusing on full-body relaxation and fluid sensations.
Mastering Key Principles – Understanding the meaning of important internal techniques like sinking the shoulders, dropping the elbows, and pulling the chest while arching the back.
Building Arms for Power – Developing arms that are unbendable and able to "drop" under the force of gravity, with specific exercises like vertical dropping while holding both wrists.
Energy Flow Training – Experiencing the flow of Jing through techniques such as performing the Single Whip move with fluid coordination.
**The Three Major Types of Jing – Explanation of Sinking Body Power (沈身勁), Coiling Silk Power (纏糸勁), and Cross Power (十字勁), with clear distinctions between storing and releasing energy.
Mastering Transformational Power – Techniques to absorb and redirect the opponent's force.
Power Development and Verification – Focus on the practice of storing and releasing power with strength checks.
Instructor and Supervisor: Takashi Moro
Born in Tokyo in 1962, Morohashi founded the Būsō-juku dojo in 1996, where he has taught Renki Būsō-ken. He moved to Cambodia in 2005, where he established a dojo and began offering free lessons. He now has nearly 100 students. He is also the author of "Self-defense is About Defending the Heart" and creator of the Renki Būsō-ken DVD series.