Systema Training Strike Edition DVD with Vladimir Vasiliev
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Systema Mastery: Strikes, Controls, and Weapons
Seminar DVD by Vladimir Vasiliev
Discover the secrets behind the mastery of strikes, controls, and weapon handling in martial arts with the highly respected Systema master, Vladimir Vasiliev. This eagerly awaited seminar DVD captures the essence of Systema's unique approach, emphasizing fluid and unrestricted movement of hands and feet, which is truly an art to behold!
In this volume focusing on strikes, Vladimir Vasiliev introduces innovative "breathing exercises" that manipulate emotions, body states, and movements. Participants will learn Systema's trademark strikes and gain mastery over weapon (knife) control and disarming techniques born from unrestricted movements.
Gradient Breathing
- Techniques to manage fear through breathing.
- Training to Prevent Accumulation of Fear
- Releasing Internal Pressure
- Stages of Strikes
- Stopping the Opponent with Strikes
- Invisible Strikes
- Relieving Tension During Strikes
- Distance and Movement in Strikes
- Controlling Distance within Movements
- Breaking Contact
- Crowd Work (Group Dynamics)
- Cleaning Movements with Breath
- Integration of Movement and Breathing
- Absorbing and Neutralizing Grabs
- Escaping with Breath
- Exploring Movement with Breath
- Locking the Opponent
- Using the Upper Body Effectively
- Escaping from the Blade
- Knife Disarming
- Short Distance Strikes
- Knife Work
- Promoting Relaxation
Instructor: Vladimir Vasiliev
Vladimir Vasiliev, a former member of Russia's special operations unit and the foremost disciple of Mikhail Ryabko, brings a wealth of practical combat experience to Systema. As the head instructor at Systema Headquarters in Toronto, he has trained numerous instructors worldwide, focusing on the integration of breath, movement, and psychological control in martial arts.
Japanese language
Length: 177 min.