Systema Spear Fighting DVD by Mikhail Ryabko
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Systema Long Weapon Work: Feeling the Power of the Weapon
Special Seminar on Internal Understanding and Control with Systema Founder Mikhail Ryabko
Systema, known for its battlefield-proven effectiveness, combines intense combat training with seemingly gentle bodywork exercises. This approach emphasizes understanding and controlling the internal (inner) aspects of oneself. Founder Mikhail Ryabko guides you through the principles of working with long weapons, like spears, to develop this internal mastery.
By feeling the inherent power of the weapon, maintaining proper posture, and releasing tension, you can achieve a fluid and unfixed state, becoming one with the weapon and cultivating a free and responsive mind and body.
Detaching from Emotions
- Techniques to stay emotionally detached and focused during combat.
Movement Beyond Fear
- Methods to move effectively despite fear.
Controlling and Moving the Opponent
- Strategies to control the opponent’s movements and actions.
Positioning Relative to the Opponent
- Techniques to take advantageous positions relative to your opponent.
Body-Based Responses
- Training to respond to threats using body movements.
Expressing Emotions
- Safe methods for expressing and managing emotions during training.
Observing and Maintaining Balance
- Techniques for understanding and maintaining your center of gravity.
Releasing Shoulder Tension
- Exercises to relieve shoulder tension, improving movement fluidity.
Emotionless Strikes
- Methods to deliver powerful strikes without emotional influence.
Efficient Non-Accelerative Movements
- Techniques to move efficiently without relying on acceleration.
Instructors: Mikhail Ryabko
Mikhail Ryabko, the founder of Systema, brings extensive experience from the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs' Special Forces. His teachings focus on practical combat skills and the psychological aspects of martial arts, helping practitioners achieve a harmonious balance between internal control and external movements.
Japanese language
Length: 148 min.