Systema Founder 2 DVD Set by Mikhail & Daniel Ryabko
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This exclusive seminar* features Systema founder and Master Michael discussing "Internal Work," focusing on techniques to manipulate your opponent's internal dynamics rather than external movements.
Discover cutting-edge Systema insights covering "tension and balance," diverse striking methods, and deep insights into the essence of weapon dynamics.
※Ryabko Systema New School World Premiere (Osaka, March 21, 22, 23, 2014)
Disc 1
■DAY 1 (First day)
Creating tension
Controlling tension
Moving the balance
Feel your internal state
Keep the contact and release the tension
Working on tension
Disc 2
■DAY 2 (Second day)
Exercise that strengthens the mind and body
What is striking?
Controlling direction - double strike
Understand and affect emotions
Catch the whole body when striking
To understand non-contact work
■DAY 3 (Third day)
Preparation for handling a weapon
Exercise for developing fundamental power
Weapon control Controlling the weapon
Move with the natural reaction of your body
Instructors: Mikhail Ryabko & Daniil Ryabko
Mikhail served in the Russian government's Ministry of Internal Affairs' special forces, and founded Systema based on his family's Russian martial arts and his experience in frontline combat. His son Daniil has also served as a detective and special forces member, and is now devoted to teaching Systema. Both father and son give seminars around the world.
Language: Japanese
Run time: 2 hours & 52 min.