Soul Healing Miracles: Ancient and New Sacred Wisdom, Knowledge, and Practical Techniques for Healing the Spiritual, Mental, Emotional, and Physical Bodies Book by Zhi Gang Sha (Hardcover) (Preowned)
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Millions of people on Mother Earth are suffering from sicknesses in the spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical bodies. Millions of people have limited or no access to healthcare. They want solutions.
Millions of people are searching for spiritual secrets, wisdom, knowledge, and practical techniques to transform their physical lives and spiritual lives. The key to physical life includes good health, good relationships, and flourishing finances. The key to soul life is to reach soul enlightenment.
Master Sha's Soul Healing Miracles teaches and empowers humanity to create soul healing miracles. Readers will learn sacred wisdom and apply practical techniques. Everyone can create his or her own soul healing miracles.
For the first time, The Source Ling Guang (Soul Light) Calligraphy will be offered in a book. These Source Calligraphies carry matter, energy, and soul of The Source, which can transform the matter, energy, and soul of the spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical bodies.
This book also reveals The Source Meditation and Source Mantras which are the absolute sacred way for healing, rejuvenation, prolonging life, and transforming all life.
The message of Soul Healing Miracles is:
I have the power to create soul healing miracles to transform all of my life.
You have the power to create soul healing miracles to transform all of your life.
Together we have the power to create soul healing miracles to transform all life of humanity, Mother Earth, and all universes.
About the Author
336 pages