Six Great Secrets of Yiquan DVD 5 by Tao Shouei
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Wang Xiangzhai Direct Lineage Volume 5: Free Sparring Basics
Master the Essence of Fist Techniques! Transform the Quality of Your Martial Arts! The Definitive Self-Study DVD Divided into 6 Curriculums!
This DVD series refines the highly acclaimed V-CD "Yi Quan" originally released in China, which embodies the essence of Chinese martial arts compiled by Master Wang Xiangzhai. Known as "Yi Quan," it offers clear theories that eliminate ambiguity, ensuring the mastery of martial arts' essence and intention with a strong adaptability for practical combat situations.
Volume 5 focuses on free sparring techniques, which utilize the "Hun Yuan Li" cultivated through various training methods such as Zhan Zhuang, strength testing, footwork, power generation, and push hands covered in previous volumes. Under the guidance of Master Yao Shouei, a direct disciple of Wang Xiangzhai, this volume instructs practitioners on how to effectively apply the "Hun Yuan Li" in actual sparring.
Participants will engage in sparring wearing gloves, learning to manifest the "Hun Yuan Li" effectively in practical combat situations. The DVD provides meticulous guidance on how to cultivate and utilize the "Hun Yuan Li" during sparring sessions.
Yi Quan primarily consists of training in Zhan Zhuang, strength testing, footwork, power generation, push hands, and free sparring. Volumes 5 and 6 specifically cover free sparring, which utilizes the "Hun Yuan Li" cultivated through various training methods. Under the guidance of Master Yao Shouei, a direct disciple of Wang Xiangzhai, these volumes focus on how to effectively apply the "Hun Yuan Li" in practical sparring situations wearing gloves. The DVDs provide detailed guidance on how to manifest the "Hun Yuan Li" effectively during actual sparring sessions.
Language: Japanese