Silat Vol 2 DVD

Silat Vol 2 DVD

通常価格 $39.95 USD
通常価格 $59.00 USD セールスプライス $39.95 USD


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"Discover Pencak Silat: An Ancient Asian Close-Combat Tradition"

Explore the rich heritage of Pencak Silat, a traditional Indonesian martial art steeped in a millennium of history, now embraced by enthusiasts worldwide.

This esteemed martial art, renowned for its practicality in close combat, is meticulously introduced across two volumes. Expert instructors from three schools affiliated with the Japan Pencak Silat Association showcase their skills and techniques.

What is Silat? Silat embodies Indonesian martial arts, practiced through kata and kumite. Rooted in the philosophy of "Ilm Padi" (the teachings of the ears of rice), it emphasizes cultivating respect and empathy during training, fostering a fulfilling life.

Three Styles Introduced:

  1. Panglipur: Focuses on enhancing body and technique through kata.
  2. Prisai Dili: Emphasizes speed and evasion techniques.
  3. Murpati Puti: Highlights joint locks following defensive maneuvers.

Embark on your journey into the profound world of Pencak Silat, where tradition meets practicality in martial arts excellence.

○Basic kata (Jurs)
Jurs 1 (Sabandar - lock elbows)
Jurs 2 (Tarik - pull opponent in)
Jurs 3 (Sik - attack with elbows)
Jurs 4 (Giras - twist and push down)
Jurs 5 (Kuri - pull away and move to attack)
○Free demonstration
Solo demonstration (Ibigan) / Relative demonstration (Ganda) /
Relative demonstration with bare hands / Relative demonstration with weapons
Perisai Dili Diri)

○ Continuous technique forms (Langkeang Sunan Technique)

Satria Form/Kuntur Form/Harimao Form/

Pundeta Form/Putri Burias Form/Garuda Form/

Putri Turatai Form

○ Promised Kumite (Slang Hindar)

Bare-handed Slang Hindar/Weapon Slang Hindar (Knife and Staff)

○ Weapon Demonstration (Kipas)

Murpati Puti (Merpati Putih)

○Defensive techniques using hands (Tangkisan)

Upper outside block (Upper Tangkisan) / Lower outside block (Lower Tangkisan) /

Inner block (Potogang) / Upper thrust block (Upper Tupakan) /

Lower thrust block (Lower Tupakan) / Upper cross block (Upper Tangkisan Silang) /

Lower cross block (Lower Tangkisan Silang)

○Joint locks (Tangkap Kunchi)

Tangkap Kunchi 1 (Upper elbow wrap-up hold)

Tangkap Kunchi 2 (Lower elbow wrap-up hold)

Tangkap Kunchi 3 (Wrist hold)

Tangkap Kunchi 4 (Shoulder hold 1)

Tangkap Kunchi 5 (Shoulder hold 2)

Tangkap Kunchi 6 (Wrist/elbow hold)

Tangkap Kunchi 7 (Elbow hold pull down)

Tangkap Kunchi 8 (Inner elbow wrap-up hold)

Instructions ◎
Trisna Irawan (Bambang) (Panripul/former member of the Indonesian national team dispatched by PERSILAT, Pratama rank)
Susilo (Purisai Diri/highest rank: Pendekar rank)
Yuri Purwanto (Murpati Puti/highest rank student: Kesegaran rank)
*Listing order

Instruction assistance ◎
Eric Rukmana/Kyoko Hayata (Panripul)
Trii Nuryani/Yoko Nakajima (Purisai Diri)
Belin Lee/Naoki Yoshimura (Murpati Puti)

Supervision ◎ Kyoko Hayata (Japan Pencak Silat Association)

Language: Japanese

Run time: 1 hour & 3 min.


Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Great overview of 3 Indonesian Pencak Silat schools

The DVD showcases 3 of the popular Indonesian Pencak Silat schools.
The schools are from different areas of Java Indonesia.
Volume 2 shows several drills and applications that are characteristics of each schools.
Although the DVD is in Japanese and it is not a tutorial video, I think viewers with some martial arts background especially Silat background will be able to understand the techniques demonstrated.
I really enjoyed the video.