Shotokan Advanced Kata Book 3 by Keinosuke Enoeda (Preowned)
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Nicknamed the "Shotokan Tiger" by the students and instructors of the prestigious JKA Instructors Institute, this explosive and powerful teacher, who is noted for his practical
fighting ability, must surely be the best possible person to present this important series of books. A perfectionist in all he does, the author shows by means of individually hand printed and prepared photographs, and detailed captions, every single movement of these intricate exercises with a degree of clarity never before achieved. A series that should find its way into the collection of every martial artist.
Vol 3 Tekki-Nidan: Tekki-Sandan (2 versions): Nijushiho:
Gojushiho-Dai :Gojushiho-Sho
102 pages
Publication date: 1986