Shiatsu: Japanese Finger-Pressure Therapy Book by Tokujiro Namikoshi (Preowned)
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In the 1920’s, Tokujiro Namikoshi established Shiatsu as a therapeutic system integrated with modern anatomy and physiology, coining the word Shiatsu, literally “ finger pressure“, to describe his system. Shiatsu treatment consists of pressure applied with the balls of the thumbs and fingers and the palms of the hands to specific points on the surface of the body. Traditionally, these points have been called tsubo in Japanese. The tsubo on the body tend to accumulate fatigues and stress. Pressing them brings relief, as our ancestors discovered instinctively. The ancient Chinese, through observation and experience, developed a system of diagnosis and treatment based on nearly seven hundred points on the body and the meridian lines of energy flow which connect them. Namikoshi uses line drawings and photographs to demonstrate the various techniques.
Length: 81 pages
Publication date: 1969