Shadow Strategies of an American Ninja Master Book by Glenn Morris

Shadow Strategies of an American Ninja Master Book by Glenn Morris

通常価格 $22.95 USD
通常価格 $29.95 USD セールスプライス $22.95 USD

Glenn Morris examines the fabulous Togakure Ryu in ninth century Japan and moves to present day applications of the ancient skills the stealthy ninja must apply to living in the modern world. Mr. Morris' fans will not be disappointed with the riches offered here: secrets of balance and alignment; seeing with the minds and eyes of gods and spirits; energy applications of qi for healing, warfare and sexual fulfillment; the care and feeding of Bujin, protective spirits; and cross-cultural comparisons of shamans, saints and masters of Budo and Bugei.

About the Author

Dr. Morris is an eighth dan shidoshi in Togakure Ryu Bujinkan Ninpo, a martial lineage that has existed unbroken since the eleventh century, a six dan black belt in Nihon Karate Jujutsu, and a master instructor of esoteric meditation. He is vice-president of Pacific Biotech International of Houston, Texas, a research and development company, as well as Dean of General Academics in Eurotechnical Research University.

424 pages

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