Seven Star Praying Mantis Kung Fu Book by Leung Ting (Preowned)
$49.00 USD
$49.00 USD
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The Only Book Introducing All the Fighting Methods of This Style!
The Only Book Explaining All the Mottos of This Style!
The Only Book Teaching You All the Theories & Techniques of This Style!
About the Author
Professor Leung Ting is the founder of the Leung Ting Wing Tsun system, permanent president and 10th level Master of Comprehension (MOC) of the International Wing Tsun Association. He possessed a Bachelor of Arts in Chinese and English Literature and Language. He was conferred the title of Doctor of Philosophy in 1979. Dr. Leung Ting had instructed at the Combat-arts of the National Sport of Bulgaria as a guest-professor in 1997. Leung Ting's Wing Tsun kung fu system is worldwide practiced by hundreds of thousands of martial art practitioners over 60 countries and embraced by the special forces, including the FBI and Marine Corps of the USA, SEK and GSG9 of Germany, RAID of France, GIP of Luxembourg, NOCS of Italy, and special police units of Belgium, Austria, Spain, etc. Besides his career of WingTsun kungf u, Professor Leung Ting has also been a kungfu film director, TV series director as well as martial art book writer.
Language: English
Length: 194 pages
Publication date: 1980