Secrets of Modern Knife Fighting Book by David Steele (Preowned)
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David E. Steele studied weapons and martial arts since childhood, beginning with an NRA rifle club at age ten and taking judo lessons at fourteen. He has been an NRA hunter safety instructor, an NRA certified rifle and pistol instructor, and a varsity fencer for UCLA. Among the knife fighting styles he has studied are the Filipino arts of escrima and arnis de mano and the Japanese art of tantojutsu. He was an Army infantryman, and he has travelled extensively in South Korea, South Vietnam, Japan, Hong Kong, Thailand, Taiwan, Malaysia, and Israel. He holds a masters degree in Police Administration, and in 1970-71 he was supervisor of the Police Weapons Center research project at the International Association of Chiefs of Police in Washington. He has two books and over 200 articles in print. You'll learn not only knife handling and history but critical survival techniques for those men and women who “GO IN HARM’S WAY”; Military, Police, First responders.
149 pages
Printed in 1996
Language: English