Secret Practices of Ancient Shinto DVD by Makoto Yamada

Secret Practices of Ancient Shinto DVD by Makoto Yamada

通常価格 $39.95 USD
通常価格 $59.95 USD セールスプライス $39.95 USD


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Ancient Shinto and Its Essence

Ancient Shinto is Japan's traditional training system aimed at spiritual development. This video is the first comprehensive guide to the secret practices of Ancient Shinto rituals, including esoteric techniques from various sects and powerful incantations and invocations explained and demonstrated in detail.


Secret Practices:

  • Kirihi-Barai (Cutting Fire Purification): Ritual to dispel negativity.
  • Shihouhai (Four-Direction Worship): Respectful ritual towards the four directions.
  • Hakke's Tanden Breathing Method and Eternal Breath: Breathing technique focusing on the tanden (lower abdomen) and longevity.
  • Tenchi Shinki Shoukou Go-Gokote: Ritual to sense the energy of heaven and earth.
  • Shikon no Misogi: Tenjin Bittebu Te Furishi (Four Spirits Purification): Sacred ritual to purify the four spirits.
  • Tenshin Ibuki (Heavenly Breath): Practice to experience the breath of heaven.
  • Kawamo Bonji no Shinden Sekkaihou: Ama no Karasu Fun: Sacred purification method related to the water's surface.
  • Burube no Chin Kon (Spiritual Awakening of Burube): Ritual to honor one's own spirit.
  • Solar Energy Intake: Goyouki Nichi Hai Gyakko (Ultimate Sun Energy Practice): Ritual to absorb solar energy.
  • Ultimate Breathwork: Kotodama Harai Gyou (Purification with Sacred Words): Purification practice using Kotodama (spiritual words).
  • Refresh Body and Mind: Shinkon and Koru Shinkon (Ancient Style and Soulful Vibration): Practice to refresh the spirit and body.
  • Hifumi Dance: Sacred dance.
  • Kagura Suzu-Barai (Shrine Dance Bell Purification): Purification using Kagura dance bells.

Secret Incantations and Invocations:

  • Misogi Harai Kotoba (Purification Incantation): Words used for purification.
  • Burube's Harai Kotoba (Burube's Purification Words): Words related to Burube for purification.
  • Hifumi Harai Kotoba (Hifumi's Purification Words): Words related to Hifumi for purification.
  • Sanshu Harai Kotoba (Three Kinds of Purification Words): Words for three kinds of purification.
  • Sanshu Ooharai (Three Kinds of Great Purification): Three kinds of words for great purification.
  • Ichijou Jouju no Ooharai (Great Purification of All Achievements): Words for achieving all things.

Language: Japanese

Run time: 40 min.


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