Samurai Method: Yawagi DVD by Naoyuki Taira
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"Change Your Body in 0 Seconds: Using the Hidden 'Unconscious Movement Commands' in Martial Arts"
This DVD explains how to activate the "unconscious movement commands" discovered through martial arts traditions. These commands are designed to awaken the body from deep within, improving movement efficiency and flexibility. The method was proven effective during a martial arts event, even allowing a 54-year-old participant, Isomo Namihei, to perform with remarkable mobility.
The DVD introduces a new approach for developing body mechanics, derived from ancient martial arts principles, that helps you increase physical abilities without injury. It is an ideal resource for martial arts practitioners, fighters, and anyone interested in enhancing their physical health.
Content Overview:
Samurai Method…Unconscious Movement Commands:
- Discovery #1: Improving forward bending (flexibility)
- Discovery #2: Enhancing leg splits (flexibility)
Five Basic Movements Part 1 – Introductory Level:
- Basic Movement #1: Standing
- Basic Movement #2: Up and down movement
- Basic Movement #3: Forward and backward bending
- Basic Movement #4: Side bending
- Basic Movement #5: Twisting movement
Five Basic Movements Part 2 – Strengthening with Arm Movements:
- Strengthening #1: Standing + Arm Movement
- Strengthening #2: Up and down movement + Arm Movement
- Strengthening #3: Forward and backward bending + Arm Movement
- Strengthening #4: Side bending + Arm Movement
- Strengthening #5: Twisting movement + Arm Movement
Activating Movement Commands Part 1 – Twisting:
- Twisting + Touching the Ear
- Twisting + Rubbing the Side
- Twisting + Rubbing the Pelvis
Activating Movement Commands Part 2 – Using Artificial Turf:
- Improving Leg Splits
- Enhancing Forward Bending
- Improving Hip Rotation
Activating Movement Commands Part 3 – Touching:
- Enhancing Shoulder Flexibility (1st Method)
- Enhancing Shoulder Flexibility (2nd Method)
- Improving Hip Flexibility (1st Method)
- Improving Hip Flexibility (2nd Method)
Application to Martial Arts – Improving the Quality of a Straight Punch (Seiken Tsuki)
This DVD is an essential tool for those looking to improve their physical capabilities and martial arts techniques through the use of ancient wisdom in modern practice.
Instruction and Supervision: Naoyuki Taira Born in Miyagi Prefecture in 1963, Naoyuki Taira has a rich background in professional mixed martial arts and is the model for the main character in the manga "Grappler Baki." He is a prolific author and the founder of Samurai Method Yawaragi & Straple, dedicated to enhancing physical and mental well-being through his innovative methods.
Language: Japanese
Length: 51 min.