Sajad Strongest Iranian Karate Style Seminar in Osaka DVD

Sajad Strongest Iranian Karate Style Seminar in Osaka DVD

通常価格 $39.95 USD
通常価格 $69.00 USD セールスプライス $39.95 USD


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  • Greetings
  • Keri Control Exercise 1 (From Gedan to Chudan -> Jodan)
  • Reaction Exercise 1
  • Four Types of Jodan Tsuki
    1. Execute a Tsuki on a stationary opponent.
    2. Execute a Tsuki on a retreating opponent (2 Steps).
    3. Execute a Tsuki on an advancing opponent.
    4. Countering an opponent execute a Tsuki.
  • Four Types of Jodan Keri
    1. Execute a Keri on a stationary opponent (Tsugi-ashi).
    2. Execute a Keri on a retreating opponent (Yori-ashi).
    3. Execute a Keri on an advancing opponent.
    4. Countering an opponent execute a Jodan Keri (Chudan Keri is also acceptable).
  • Applying Pressure to the Opponent and Attacking
    1. Attack in your own distance (Maai).
    2. Attack the moment your opponent moves.
    3. Attack the moment your opponent makes a mistake.
    4. Finish with a counter when your opponent goes on the offensive.
  • Attacking When the Opponent Applies Pressure
    1. Attack first within your own distance (Maai).
    2. Attack the moment your opponent closes in as you retreat.
    3. Attack the moment your opponent makes a mistake.
    4. Finish with a counter when your opponent goes on the offensive.
  • Keri Control Exercise 2 (Gedan -> Chudan -> Jodan -> Uramawashi)
  • Reaction Exercise 2
  • Side-stepping and Counter
  • Controlling Distance (Maai) and Counter
  • Counter of Keri Techniques
  • Block a Chudan Tsuki and Counter
  • Concentration! Real Four-Direction Counters
  • Instant Reaction! Turn and Score a Point
  • Instant Reaction! Turn and Counter-attack
  • Special Technique 1 (Ashibarai 1, 2, 3)
  • Special Technique 2 (Close-distance, Chudan Keri, Jodan Keri, and Uramawashi)
  • Message from Sajad Sensei
  • Interview

Language: Japanese & English

Run Time: 2 hours & 49 min.


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