Renki Jushin-Ho: The Secret of Kakei DVD by Takashi Moro & Keiko Moro
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This DVD, part of the Renki Busouken series, unveils the mechanics behind “Ka-kei” – a concept of using relaxed energy to neutralize an opponent's force rather than resisting it. Using cutting-edge fluid dynamics experiments, this volume provides a world-first scientific breakdown of Ka-kei, illustrating how relaxation transforms incoming energy.
- The Five Methods of Ka-kei: Techniques in fistwork, dropping, pulling, pushing, and twisting, demonstrated and explained in depth.
- Training Drills: Breath control and sensory awareness to cultivate Ka-kei skills.
- Applications in Defense: Techniques to defuse punches, kicks, and grabs using relaxed energy.
- Ka-kei Forms: Featuring “Floating Moon” form, with demonstrations and instruction for advanced practice.
About the Instructors:
Takashi Moro is an experienced martial artist trained in various styles, now leading Renki Jushin-Ho. Keiko Moro, with her background in aikido, jodo, and naginata, complements the teachings, emphasizing both physical and mental relaxation for mastering Ka-kei.