Renki Busoken: The Art of Relaxed Power Vol 1: Striking and Kicking Techniques DVD by Takashi Moro & Keiko Moro
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Unleashing extraordinary, penetrating power through relaxed movement, The Art of Relaxed Power DVD series introduces its new volume, which shifts from theoretical explanations to a deep dive into practical techniques of Takashi Moro's martial art, Renki Busoken. Focusing on essential strikes and kicks, this volume lays out everything from the basics to advanced applications, demonstrating the enhanced force that comes with mastering tension-free movement.
Content Overview:
- Foundational Knowledge – Covers key body positioning, stances, and the core training in balance and center alignment used in Busoken.
Core Techniques:
- Striking drills for controlled power, including various forms of “Wei-uchi” strikes, hooking, and rotating strikes.
- Kicking techniques, such as the pointed, arc, and spinning kicks, with combinations for real-time application.
- Skill Demos and Board-Breaking – Features board-breaking demonstrations that showcase “inch strikes” and no-momentum techniques, illustrating the strength of relaxed power.
About the Instructors:
Takashi Moro and Keiko Moro are highly respected martial artists trained in various traditional forms, with extensive backgrounds in Chinese and Japanese martial arts. Both have authored works on Renki Jushin-Ho, helping to clarify martial principles for modern practitioners.