Renki Jushin-Ho DVD by Takashi Moro & Keiko Moro
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Cultivate Your Energy and Build the Body: Utilizing Rational Movement and Extensor Muscles
This DVD, part of the "Master Training System," introduces the essential techniques of Renki Jushin-Ho, a training method rooted in the secrets of Chinese and traditional Japanese martial arts. Through rational body mechanics and focused exercises, it emphasizes building core stability, energy cultivation, and effective muscle engagement.
Body Conditioning:
- Standing, sitting, and walking postures
Partner Drills:
- Exercises like Swai-shou (swinging arms), Whip Hand series, foot and body oscillations
Training Method Checkpoints:
- Postural adjustments, arm stability exercises, walking stance corrections
Four Core Principles:
- Efficient body movement through relaxation and extensor engagement
- Stabilizing the center axis (dantian)
- Controlling body weight and breathing
About the Instructors
Takashi Moro, a martial artist with roots in Shaolin Temple kung fu and karate, and Keiko Moro, an aikido and jodo practitioner, guide viewers through this comprehensive approach to martial practice and personal development.