Renki Busoken: The Art of Relaxed Power Vol 2: Grappling Techniques DVD by Takashi Moro & Keiko Moro
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Renki Busoken Comprehensive Martial Arts, Vol. 2: Grappling Techniques
Building an unyielding body resistant to joint locks, Renki Busoken delves into powerful ground-based techniques that blend softness with explosive impact. This second volume of the Art of Relaxed Power series introduces original ground techniques developed by Moro’s Busoken school, focusing on the principles of joint-locking resistance, effective strikes, and seamless ground control.
Key Highlights
- Ne-Yotai Conditioning: Covers training to build a body impervious to typical joint locks, with techniques like prone arm wrestling and grounded knee resilience.
- Flow Motion & Weight-Based Power: Techniques include fluid, countering movements for reversals of armlocks, knee bars, and ankle locks.
- Essential Ground Techniques: Fundamental grappling skills such as triangle choke, armbar, mount escape, and fluid counter techniques for control and leverage.
- Transition Techniques: Methods for moving from standing to ground techniques, including body lock throws and dropping body grabs.
- Strike Integration in Groundwork: Techniques for delivering strikes from different positions, utilizing spinning strikes, bottom kicks, and coiling attacks.
- Live Sparring: Demonstrations of Moro’s mastery in sparring sessions with Shihan Minori Shimada.
With techniques tailored for MMA and ground-based martial arts, this DVD explores the full potential of power-through-relaxation, opening new dimensions of effectiveness for grapplers and martial artists alike.
About the Instructors:
Takashi Moro and Keiko Moro are highly respected martial artists trained in various traditional forms, with extensive backgrounds in Chinese and Japanese martial arts. Both have authored works on Renki Jushin-Ho, helping to clarify martial principles for modern practitioners.